Hello Kelso C-7 Family!
The Kelso C-7 Board of Education met on Wednesday, September 18th for regular business in the school library area.
The meeting agenda was approved with the addition of Board of Education policies for review..
Consent agenda items were presented, reviewed, and approved:
Approval of the August Tax Hearing and Board Meeting Minutes
Approval of Current Expenditures
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Approval of Attendance Report
Two Minutes of Good: Mrs. Hahn and Mrs Long presented to the BOE their 2 Minutes of Good. We heard an impressive and thoughtful 21 Good things about Kindergarten. Mrs. Long shared with the board a little about the football unit while also using pre and post assessments. She also touched a little on technology updates as well. Thank you both for your time highlighting the amazing things going on in their classrooms and our school.
Audit: Patrick Kintner was at the meeting to present the findings of the FY 24 audit. There were a few coding items to correct, some advantageous changes to coding, and two findings. One finding was a report that I did not have put in the newspaper regarding last year’s audit and the other was the separation of duties within the bookkeeping department. This is one we have every year with only having one full time bookkeeper.
The District is in a strong financial position from the FY 24 year.
ASBR: The Annual Secretary of the Board Report was presented and approved with the changes from the audit.
Conflict of Interest: A Conflict of Interest Ordinance was presented and approved. This is a standard report that our BOE is required to do every 2 years to the Missouri Ethics Commission.
Building Update: Phase III is completed and awning closeout documents. There are a few adjustments the team is working on as we have found items that need to be repaired before the final closeout documents.
Bleacher installation will be the week of October 20th. Our current bleachers have not been sold; the Board discussed other options for the existing bleachers.
Custodian of Records: To stay in compliance with policy 1450, the District needed to establish a custodian of records. Ms. Kristy Pobst is the district’s custodian of records and myself to act in her absence.
Pest Control RFP: Mr. Danny Glastetter has generously donated his time and resources to pest control at this location. He has decided to retire his services for the district. The Board reviewed and approved the sample RPF for pest control services. The RFP can be found on the District website starting Friday, September 20th.
Board of Education Policies: Board of Education Policies were put on review for action at a later board meeting.
Principal's Report: Mrs. Land’s presented Back to School updates, Fozzie update (therapy dog), SOAR Team, Social Media plan, and the District Leadership Team recap.
Superintendent’s Report: I presented the following items for the superintendent's report: CSIP Goals update, State Revenue Report, an update on the new bleacher install, curriculum review updates, a review of facilities requests, and a discussion about upcoming board training.
There was a closed session for Hiring, firing, discipline or promoting of employees. Coming out of closed session the following people were hired:
Food Service Substitute: Bonnie Terrell
Substitute Teacher: Rita Milam, Kati Ferrari
After School Care Supervisor: Ella Bourbon, Traci Bollinger
It's been a great start of school for the district. We are proud of our team and all their efforts, leadership, and heart for our Falcons. Our community is always welcome to attend Board meetings to hear about what is happening at Kelso C-7 and where we are growing towards. The Next Meeting will be Wednesday, October 18, 2024.
Have a great Friday and weekend Kelso C-7 Family!
Dr. Kim Burger, Superintendent