Board of Education Recap
The Kelso C-7 Board of Education met on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, for regular business.
Board members absent were: Dustin Benson
The following addition was made to the agenda for approval as amended:
Closed Session (was properly posted, but left off the agenda)
Consent agenda items were presented, reviewed, and approved:
Approval of the August Tax Hearing and Board Meeting Minutes
Approval of Current Expenditures
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Approval of Attendance Report
Audience to the Board - none
Two Minutes of Good
Mrs. Seabaugh and Mr. Jenkins presented to the BOE their 2 Minutes of Good. Mr. Jenkins shared about his start of the school year in and out of the class, specifically some of the art and music projects that have been implemented. He also shared about his professional development he has been involved in. Mrs. Seabaugh shared about her transition from kindergarten to second grade this year. She shared about her focus of writing and even shared examples of student progression from the beginning of the year until week seven. We are very grateful for both of their time and were excited to hear from their classes!
Pest Control RFP
The Board received proposals from three pest control companies. Dr. Burger will check references and award the contract after reference checks.
Campaign Update:
Dr. Burger provided the Board with a campaign update for April 2025. We discussed possible options for leaders of the steering committee. LJ Hart will be at the upcoming meetings to finalize the bond language for the upcoming project.
The District was given an offer to purchase our existing bleachers from the Advance School District. The Board accepted the offer of $18,000.
Safety Update:
Dr. Burger provided the Board with a list of items to improve safety on campus that ranged from possible facilities updates to personnel updates. An update was given on the steps the administration, faculty and staff have taken to improve emergency response.
Vinyl Window Covering:
The Board was given a quote from Ziglin Signs containing different designs for window coverings. They would be used to block visibility for safety concerns and potentially save money to classrooms that receive direct sunlight. The Board voted to approve the bid as presented. We are grateful for the partnership with Ziglin Signs to work together. As a result, the district is able to implement the project at a discounted rate.
Board of Education Policies:
The following policies and regulations were approved as presented.
Policies: 1210, 2220, 2340, 3470, 4130, 4505, 4506, 4515, 4560, 4831, 5550, 6121, 6191
Regulations: 1210, 2310, 2340, 2785, 4221, 4515, 4831, 6190, 6191
Set dates, times, and locations for filing of Board of Education Candidates:
The Board was given a notice and schedule for the filings of 2025 Board of Education Candidates. There are 2 positions open: Andrea Koepp and Julie Heisserer. The following posting was approved to be posted:
Kelso C-7 Board of Education will be accepting candidate filings for board members starting Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 8:00 am and will continue during regular hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm. Filling will not occur on days that the district office is closed due to inclement weather. Filling will also not occur on the following days when the District’s office is closed: December 20 after 12 noon and the following days: December 24-27 for the Holiday Break. The District Office will be open from 3-5 pm on December 23 and December 30. The last day of filing will be December 30, 2024, until 5:00 pm. There are two positions available for three-year terms. The positions up are Andrea Koepp and Julie Heisserer. Either the Board Secretary or the Superintendent can accept filings.
Principal’s Report:
The following were mentioned and/or discussed in the Principal’s Report:
• Positive Office Referrals
• Administration/Special Education Notes
• Discipline
Superintendent’s Report:
The following were mentioned and/or discussed in the Superintendent’s Report:
· District Report Card
· State Revenue
· Professional Development Funds
· Finances
· Bleacher Update
· Facilities Request
· Board Training Video
The Board held a closed session for the purpose of hiring and personnel records.
The meeting was adjourned. The next monthly Board meeting will be November 20, 2024 @ 6:00 P.M.