Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are currently seeing an increase in illness within our school and our community. Please help us in decreasing the spread of illness.
1) Please do you part, by encouraging good hand hygiene at home. Thorough handwashing is the easiest and MOST effective method of illness prevention. Educating children at an early age on preventing the spread of germs is very important.
2) Please keep child(ren) home from school if he/she has any signs/symptoms of illness. Refer to student handbook regarding when to keep student home and when he/she may return to school after an illness. Below is a quick reference guide. If student will not be at school, parent/guardian must notify the office. Per policy, a doctor’s note is required for the student to return to school if he/she has missed 3 or more consecutive days.
Thank you for doing your part!!
Monica Burger & Stacy Rongey
*If your child has strep throat or another bacterial infection (i.e. pink eye), he/she should stay home until the antibiotic has been given for at least 24 hours.